Didsbury Family Photographer // What do we do if it is raining?

Didsbury Family Photographer’s ideas on what to do if it is raining on our shoot day…

close up photo of a family at home on their family photo shoot in Manchester

I write this as the weather has affected this afternoon’s shoot - again! As a family photographer based in Didsbury, Manchester, I am used to having to work around the weather. Today is a typically-Manc day with sporadic showers, but made worse by pretty extreme wind! So today’s initial plan of a lovely outdoor family shoot in a south Manchester park has had to be adapted!

photo of a family lying on the bed together at home on their photo shoot with Didsbury family photographer

I send out a questionnaire before every family shoot I do - and one of the questions is about what worries, if any, you may have about your shoot. And one of the most common worries is about the weather! Most of the images you see on my social media and website are in lovely outdoor locations, so I totally understand why it may feel like you need great weather or it will be a disaster. 

There are a few options when it comes to rainy days…

  1. Embrace the Manchester rain for your family shoot!

If we can’t beat it, join it…! What is more Manchester than a rainy day? There is always the option if it is a little rainy, to don raincoats and wellies and embrace it! It can make for an atmospheric and really fun shoot! Of course, if it is pouring down, it may make everyone a little miserable and won’t be the relaxed and fun experience I strive to give you - so in heavy rain it is probably best to choose a different option - but drizzle / short rain showers can be embraced!  

2. Move your family shoot indoors instead!

There is always the option to move your shoot indoors instead. Your home is a great option for family photos - it is where the family is most relaxed and the kids can freely play. You can choose an activity like baking, or you can just relax and be. You can read stories, cuddle up on the sofa, chat, play your favourite games. Whatever it is you love to do!

3. Split your family shoot!

If the weather isn’t looking favourable, you could move the bulk of your shoot to your home, then we can all get wrapped up and head outdoors for a few photos - when hopefully there is a break in the rain. I usually find that there’s at least a 5-10 minute break in the rain when we can run outside. Even if it is just into your garden or a park across the road. 

4. Consider hiring a studio in Manchester.

If you’re mid-renovation or just don’t fancy having your shoot at home but would love to keep your shoot indoors, we can always hire a studio space for your shoot! I know several different studios which suit different families, so we can have a chat about which one would best suit you!

I’m hoping that 2024 will bring me my own studio…. But in the meantime, there are lots of options out there to hire for your shoot!

Your Family Shoot in Manchester

If you’re undecided about where to have your shoot and are concerned about the weather, please feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about the best options for you!




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