Didsbury Family Photographer // Reluctant Partner? Don’t miss out - choose a motherhood shoot!

Manchester Family Photographer’s thoughts on booking a motherhood shoot as an amazing alternative to a full family shoot.

Manchester motherhood photographer capturing mother embracing her sons on the moors

Is your partner not keen on booking a family photographer? Perhaps they've dismissed the idea of a family shoot altogether? Well, have you ever considered the idea of a motherhood shoot? You absolutely deserve to have photographs with your little person/people and shouldn’t have to miss out!

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
— Robert Browning

I love a motherhood shoot - capturing the unique magic between mama and child(ren). It's a chance to momentarily slow down life's pace, embrace all the cuddles, breathe them in, and simply exist in the present with your precious ones. The whirlwind of motherhood can be chaotic, to say the least, yet a motherhood photoshoot carves out space to reconnect with your appreciation for the best (and most difficult) job in the world. And to allow your photographer to create a permanent reminder of the profound significance you hold as a creator and nurturer of these little beings.

Allow yourself to feel in the delicate touch of their tiny hands against your cheek, the subtle tug on your trousers, or note their little toes as they stretch to pluck a leaf from a nearby branch, brimming with pride. Embrace the embrace – those chubby little arms around your neck, their ever increasing weight as you draw them near for snuggles and kisses.

mother holding her baby and cuddling her older son

Often (although not always), mothers are the ones capturing life's precious moments through the lens. We find ourselves enthusiastically documenting memories for everyone else, often placing our own selves last on the list– as we have a tendency to do in every aspect of life. It might also be that a mother might feel somewhat reluctant to step into the spotlight – a sentiment I share and know first hand - given the challenges of postpartum body image. Whether it's been a matter of months or years, these lingering insecurities have the ability to hinder us from handing over the camera and joining in the family fun.

The truth is - you absolutely deserve to be prioritised too. To be present in your and your children’s future memories, to have your role as mother be celebrated in beautiful images. You should not be in the background of your child’s physical reminder of their memories.

mother kissing her son's head

It’s time to hand over the reins and jump in front of the camera. Become one of the subjects. For you - so you can witness the special bond between you and your little one(s), to have stunning images to hang with pride and bring you joy every day, and to see through an outside perspective how beautiful you are. For your child(ren) - to cultivate a sense of belonging, help them revisit happy times with their mama in the days ahead, and gift them priceless memories to look back on when they’re grown. They will be able to see their mother present in their childhood, bringing up all the childhood nostalgia with you at the centre of it. 

If your partner’s reluctance is holding you back from booking a shoot, why not opt for a shoot focussed on you and your little(s). You won’t regret it for one moment, and your children will thank you in years to come. Also, I often find that partners are inspired by your experience of the shoot and the beautiful images, and will want another shoot with the whole family!

mother embracing her smiling son on an adventure across the moors

So, mama, if you’d like to book a motherhood shoot of your own in Manchester or across the country, just click the below button to get in touch. 

Thanks so much,


Manchester Motherhood Photographer.


Didsbury Newborn Photographer // New baby gifts.


Lake District Family Photographer // “Working Mum” Guilts.