
The most chaotic, magic, messy, nerve-wracking, oxytocin-filled journey. The introduction of your new baby into your family. Navigating a new world of upside down days, being pinned to the sofa by a feeding baby, all the glorious cuddles, frantically googling absolutely everything baby does, staring at their perfect little face for hours. The sleep deprivation mixed with the growing and intense love.

Capturing the first days of a baby’s life is an absolute honour. I usually do newborn shoot when the baby is between 4 days and 4 weeks old, when they’re still sleepy and squishy, although older newborn shoots are just as lovely. Most of my newborn shoots are done at your home, where you’re all set up with everything you and your baby need, and where you don’t have to spend ages trying to get out of the house and remember everything you might possibly need! I’ll come to you, I can pop on the kettle, I can help settle the baby, and we can have a good chat about how you’re feeling postpartum / with the new arrival. And we’ll capture some beautiful images of your newborn bubble. I keep things very relaxed and we go with the flow - I totally understand the needs of a newborn, so we’ll take our time and get the images when we can. I have a newborn beanbag and beautiful blankets which I can bring to help capture baby’s tiny little details too.

Some families opt for an outdoor shoot instead which are equally as beautiful. There is something magical about the new life being out with you in mother nature, cosied up in a blanket and seeing the world for the first time.

Would love a newborn shoot of your own?
