Lake District Family Photographer’s collection of images from a beautiful shoot by Lake Windermere.

Lake District Family Photographer capturing beautiful moment between mother and son by the lake

As I've mentioned a lot on my Instagram and in my mailing list monthly emails, we have been  spending a lot of time in the Lake District lately. Our aim is to split our time a bit more evenly between Manchester and Windermere. We feel so at home in the Lakes and we always have the best times and recharge physically and creatively. We've now got childcare there so we can work more and spend more time amongst the most beautiful surroundings.

And with that in mind, I've officially opened my Lake District diary!! And kicking things off with a MASSIVE OFFER. More on the offer here.

I am SO excited to officially be a Lake District family photographer - and be able to launch my amazing new offer! To help get you as excited as I am, here is a little taster of a recent Lakeside shoot…

mother and son on a family shoot by lake windermere
detail photo of son holding mother's finger by lake windermere
Lake District family photographer's photo of boy cuddled up with mummy by the lake
photo of mother and son hugging by lake windermere
Lake District motherhood photographer capturing precious moment between mother and son
son kissing mum's head on a jetty by the lake in the sunshine
boy playing by lake windermere, captured by Lake District Family Photographer
photo of boy smiling by lake windermere
Lake District Family Photographer's image of mum and son on a boat on Lake Windermere
photo of mum and son cuddling on lake windermere boat
Mother and son on a boat on Lake Windermere
Family on a boat on Lake Windermere in the Lake District
mother and son by lake windermere holding hands
hands holding in the Lake District

Would you love a Lake District Family Shoot? Or a motherhood shoot like this one?

Just click the button below for all the details!

Thanks so much,


Lake District Family Photographer.


LAKE DISTRICT FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER // Roundup - fave family friendly businesses in the Lakes.
